Weather Station Status

This page shows the current status of the weather software used in the operation of this website.

This website uses Meteohub (5.1e b277 - Raspberry PI Model 3) for weather conditions reporting.
It was last started Tue, 11-Mar-2025 9:40pm PDT.

Notice: Undefined index: DOCUMENT_ROOT in /mnt/home/buster/html/MeteoHubPacifica/check-fetch-times.php on line 1945
Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
Tue, 11-Mar-2025 9:41pm PDT
Meteohub realtime Current 0:00:50 Tue, 11-Mar-2025 9:41pm PDT
Meteohub FTP Current 0:00:51 Tue, 11-Mar-2025 9:41pm PDT
Meteohub weather data Current 0:01:51 Tue, 11-Mar-2025 9:40pm PDT
Note: script(s) not current and need update(s):
atom-advisory.php Ok to delete from website.
atom-top-warning.php Ok to delete from website.
Use this link for details.